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What is a Group of Dragons Called?

Dragons have been etched into the history of humanity from every corner of the earth through myth, drawings, paintings, and oral tradition. But if there were such a thing, what is a group of dragons called?

A group of dragons is called a “thunder.” The term thunder is derived from the imaginations of those enthusiasts of this mighty beast. Other terms used are “Clan” or “flight” of dragons. 

Dragons have been fodder for stories for thousands of years, and to this day there are new stories and games dedicated to this mythical creature all the time.

These differ from the real-life lizards of today. For a mythical type example- There is a thunder of dragons climbing down from the mountains to destroy the city.

Speaking of Dragons- Fun Fact:

Did you know that there was no such word as “Dinosaur” until 1841? So, when enormous bones and skeletal patterns were observed, it was easy to assume- hey, there are dragon remains in those hills!

Real Living Dragons

Putting all mythical forms of dragons aside, some real dragons out there deserve some recognition and are all impressive in their own right. However, they won’t be swimming in gold or burning down any villages soon.

Five Famous Living Dragons:

  1. Basilisk Lizard

green Basilisk Lizard on a tree

Basilisk Lizards line the banks of streams or rivers throughout Central and South America. Basilisks have a plethora of nicknames because they tend to walk on water. Some of these are the “Jesus Christ Lizard,” “South American Jesus Lizard,” or the “Legarto de Hesus Cristo Lizard.”

  1. Bearded Dragon

bearded dragon close up photo

A bearded Dragon isn’t a particular lizard species, but the name represents six different lizard species that fall under the “Pogona” genus. Most of which can be found basking on rocks or clinging to tree branches in Australia. The trait they share that deems them “Bearded Dragons” is the weightier appearance of the throat area, which is often a darker color (sometimes black) than the rest of the lizard.

  1. Water Dragon

eastern water dragon near a pond

There are two types of Water Dragons, one called the Eastern Water Dragon,” and the other called the “Chinese Water Dragon.” Some cultures consider them to be a source of good luck and peace.

  • Eastern Water Dragon– This species of Water Dragon hails from Australia, which explains the other name. This species is called the “Australian Water Lizard.” It is Australia’s largest dragon lizard, growing up to three feet long, albeit most of that length is the tail. Speaking of which, this species can grow back its tail.
  • Chinese Water Dragon– The Chinese Water Dragon is also called the “Asian,” “Thai,” or “Green” Water Dragon. These lizards can be found anywhere in the southern mainland of Asia. Though the Eastern Water Dragon isn’t known to be particularly friendly, rather not aggressive, the Chinese Water Dragon is considered very friendly and makes for a better pet. Like their Australian counterparts, they can grow up to three feet long.
  1. Flying Dragon (Gliding Lizard)

gliding lizard close up photo

This high-flyer hails from Southeast Asia. The term “Flying Dragon” might be slightly misleading regarding this lizard, and a more accurate name would be a “Gliding Lizard,” which it is also called.

This species is from the Draco genus and has a thin layer of leathery skin that stretches down the length of its front arms and runs down to its rear hips. These flight membranes allow the lizard to glide from trees to relocate or flee from trouble.

  1. Komodo Dragon

komodo dragon in Indonesia

Being the largest lizard on earth, the Komodo Dragon gains special interest from lizard enthusiasts. Unfortunately, there are no making pets from these foul-mouthed predators. They have shark-like teeth and are venomous enough to kill their prey in a matter of hours- humans included when provoked or running short on prey.

Their habitat has shrunk down to just a few Indonesian islands. These monitor lizard species are endangered and protected in these areas to keep the species going.

What is a Group of Basilisk Lizards Called?

There is no agreed-upon name to describe a group of Basilisk Lizards, likely due to the species being solitary in nature, as opposed to others who enjoy the company.

What is a Group of Bearded Dragons Called?

There’s no particular term used to denote a group of Bearded Dragons. Unlike Basilisk Lizards, Bearded Dragons remain somewhat social creatures and social enough to be kept as pets and are less aloof with their owners than other species of lizard.

What is a Group of Flying Dragon Lizards Called?

Flying Dragon lizards are solitary creatures by nature, though males will tolerate females dwelling in their carved-out territory of trees. Otherwise, they want to be left alone. Like the others, no term is designated to describe any group.

What is a Group of Water Dragons Called?

Even though these lizards like to find themselves in groups along rivers or other water bodies, there isn’t any official or agreed-upon term to describe a group.

What is a Group of Komodo Dragons Called?

A group of Komodo Dragons is called a “Bank.” Strangely, though there is a term fur such behavior, Komodos are often solitary creatures, living alone and hunting alone. Even in this list, they’re alone because they are the only lizard species with a term designated to describe a group!


Final Thoughts

bearded dragon lizard on a tree branch

Let’s face it- it’s fun to think about dragons! To armor up and take one on, or even have them as a pet willing to protect you or your loved ones like a giant guard dog. Fortunately for some and unfortunately for others, these thoughts added to stories make real-world dragons appear pretty mundane.

They live as quietly as possible, always looking to either bask in the sun, wade around in the water, or go on the prowl for their next meal. Not all that exciting, not all that awe-inspiring.

But for those who love owning or studying lizards, these are incredible creatures who, to this day, remain mysterious and extremely interesting.

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