Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas article featured image

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas: Unpeeling the Truth

“Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas? That is an odd query. But when it comes to the nutritional needs of these fascinating creatures, there’s more to discover than meets the eye. Prepare to have your mind peeled as we dive into this fruity conundrum!”

Bearded dragons can eat bananas but in moderation. Bananas are high in sugar and phosphorus, which in excess, can harm a bearded dragon’s health. Feeding bananas as an occasional treat, not as a staple food, is advised. Always cut them into small, manageable pieces to prevent choking.

It’s time to explore the intriguing world of bearded dragon diets – so let’s jump into this banana-filled mystery!”

Key Takeaways

  • Bearded Dragons Can Eat Bananas: Bearded dragons can eat bananas, but due to their high sugar content and unfavorable phosphorus-to-calcium ratio, it should only be an occasional treat.
  • Avoid Banana Peels and Leaves: Banana peels and leaves aren’t recommended for bearded dragons due to their potential pesticide residue and tough texture.
  • Size Matters: Feed your bearded dragon small pieces of banana to avoid choking hazards. The pieces should be about the size of the space between your bearded dragon’s eyes.
  • Feed Bananas Sparingly: Due to their high sugar content, feeding your bearded dragon bananas is recommended only once every two weeks.
  • Dried or Frozen Bananas: Both dried and frozen bananas are safe for bearded dragons, but fresh bananas are always the best choice due to their higher moisture content.
  • Feeding Procedure: Always peel the banana before feeding it to your bearded dragon and cut it into small pieces. Wash the fruit thoroughly to remove any potential pesticide residue.
  • Health Benefits of Bananas: Bananas are rich in essential nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. These contribute to immune system support, digestive health, nervous system health, and heart health.
  • Potential Risks: Bananas’ high sugar content can lead to obesity and tooth decay, while an imbalanced calcium-to-phosphorus ratio can contribute to metabolic bone disease.

Understanding the Bearded Dragon Diet

The bearded dragon diet is typically composed of both insects and vegetables. They require a balanced diet rich in calcium for bone health and to prevent metabolic bone disease (MBD). A dragon’s diet should also include a variety of healthy veggies and leafy greens.

The diet of a bearded dragon changes throughout their lifetime. When they’re young, they require more protein for their rapid growth, which they derive primarily from insects. A diet for a young bearded dragon should be about 70% insects (like crickets, mealworms, and roaches) and 30% plant matter.

As they mature into adults, this ratio gradually switches. Adult bearded dragons should have a diet of 20-30% insects and 70-80% plant-based foods. This diet should include a variety of leafy greens (like collard greens, dandelion greens, and mustard greens), vegetables (like bell peppers, peas, and squash), and a small amount of fruit.

The plant-based part of a bearded dragon’s diet should be rich in calcium. This is because they need a high calcium-to-phosphorus ratio (around 2:1) in their diet to prevent metabolic bone disease (MBD), a common health issue in captive bearded dragons caused by insufficient calcium intake or poor calcium absorption due to excessive phosphorus.

Due to their typically high sugar content, fruits should be given sparingly as an occasional treat rather than a regular diet. While fruits like bananas, apples, and berries are safe for bearded dragons, they should only make up a small part of the diet. Overconsumption of sugar can lead to health problems like obesity and tooth decay.

It’s important to note that not all foods are suitable for bearded dragons. For example, stink bugs are not recommended for bearded dragons. These insects can release defensive chemicals that are potentially toxic to bearded dragons. Therefore, it’s best to avoid feeding stink bugs to your bearded dragon.

Insects safe for bearded dragons to consume include crickets, superworms, redworms, earthworms, locusts and Dubia roaches. Feeder insects should be gut-loaded prior to feeding them to your hungry friend.

Similarly, vinegar should not be included in a bearded dragon’s diet. Bearded dragons have specific dietary requirements, and their digestive systems are adapted to handle certain foods. Feeding them vinegar can disrupt their digestive balance and potentially lead to digestive issues.

Additionally, rolly pollies, also known as pill bugs or woodlice, are not an ideal food choice for bearded dragons. They have a high chitin content, which can be challenging for bearded dragons to digest. Feeding too many rolly pollies can lead to digestive blockages or impaction.

Chicken is not a natural part of a bearded dragon’s diet. While it contains protein, it lacks the essential nutrients and calcium-to-phosphorus ratio that bearded dragons require. Feeding chicken to bearded dragons can result in an unbalanced diet and may lead to nutritional deficiencies or health issues.

Wheatgrass, while often considered a healthful option for humans, is not ideal for bearded dragons. Bearded dragons have specific dietary requirements that should be met with appropriate foods. Wheatgrass is high in fiber and may cause digestive upset in bearded dragons.

Papaya, on the other hand, can be a suitable occasional treat for bearded dragons. It contains vitamins A and C, which benefit their overall health. However, moderation is key, as excessive consumption of any fruit can disrupt the balance of nutrients in a bearded dragon’s diet. Learn more about papaya and its suitability for bearded dragons.

Also, it’s important to remember that every bearded dragon is unique. Individual beardies may have their own food preferences and dietary needs. Always monitor your bearded dragon’s eating habits and adjust the diet. Don’t hesitate to consult a veterinarian with expertise in reptiles if you have any concerns about your diet or health.

The Health Benefits of Feeding Bearded Dragons Bananas

Bananas can offer several health benefits when fed to bearded dragons in moderation. These tropical fruits are packed with various vitamins and minerals, but remember that they should only be an occasional treat in your bearded dragon’s diet due to their high sugar content and unfavorable calcium-to-phosphorus ratio.

Nutritional Value

Bananas are rich in essential nutrients like:

  1. Vitamin C: This antioxidant helps support a healthy immune system, promotes healing, and can contribute to overall cellular health.
  2. Vitamin B6: Essential for brain development and function. It also plays a role in maintaining the health of nerves, skin, and red blood cells.
  3. Magnesium: This mineral is crucial for properly functioning the nervous system and helps maintain heart and bone health.
  4. Potassium: This electrolyte helps maintain proper heart and muscle function. It also helps balance fluids in the body and aids in nerve signal transmission.
  5. Fiber: Although bearded dragons can’t process fiber as efficiently as some animals, it can still aid in digestive health by providing bulk to the diet.

Overall Health

Given these nutrients, bananas can provide several health benefits:

  1. Immune System Support: The vitamin C in bananas can help support your bearded dragon’s immune system, making it more resilient against illness.
  2. Digestive Health: The fiber in bananas, although not a main dietary requirement, can contribute to digestive health by aiding regular bowel movements.
  3. Nervous System Health: The B6 and magnesium found in bananas can contribute to a healthy nervous system, which is crucial for your bearded dragon’s overall health.
  4. Heart Health: Potassium helps regulate heart function, and magnesium plays a role in maintaining a steady heartbeat.

Remember, while bananas have these benefits, they should not be a staple in your bearded dragon’s diet due to their high sugar content, which can lead to obesity and dental issues, and their low calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, contributing to metabolic bone disease if fed too frequently. Always aim for a balanced diet; when in doubt, consult a veterinary professional or a bearded dragon dietary expert.

How to Feed Bananas to Your Bearded Dragon

Feeding bananas to your bearded dragon is a relatively straightforward process, but there are some important steps to keep in mind to ensure it’s done safely and healthily.

Preparing the Banana

  1. Choose a ripe banana: It is best because it’s softer and easier for your bearded dragon to eat and digest.
  2. Wash the banana: Even though you’ll peel it, it’s important to wash it first to remove any possible pesticides or contaminants.
  3. Peel the banana: While banana peels are not toxic to bearded dragons, they are difficult to digest and are best avoided.
  4. Cut the banana into small pieces: The pieces should be small enough to fit between your bearded dragon’s eyes. This is a good rule of thumb for the size of food pieces for bearded dragons to prevent choking hazards.

Serving the Banana

  1. Serve the banana raw: Cooked food can lose some nutritional value and become more difficult for bearded dragons to digest, so it’s best to serve it raw.
  2. Mix the banana pieces with other foods: Instead of serving a full meal of bananas, consider mixing the banana pieces into a salad of appropriate vegetables and leafy greens. This will help ensure a balanced diet and prevent your bearded dragon from picking out and only eating the banana.
  3. Use a shallow dish: Serve the food in a shallow dish your bearded dragon can easily eat.

Cleaning Up

  1. Remove uneaten bananas: Bearded dragons don’t always eat everything you give them, and leftover bananas can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. Remove any uneaten bananas from your bearded dragon’s enclosure to keep it clean and safe.

Monitor Your Bearded Dragon

  1. Monitor your bearded dragon after feeding: Watch for any signs of distress or difficulty digesting the banana. If you notice anything unusual, contact your vet.

While bananas can be a tasty treat for your bearded dragon, they should only be offered occasionally due to their high sugar content and poor calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. Always consult a veterinarian or a bearded dragon dietary expert if you have any doubts about introducing new foods into your pet’s diet.

The Importance of Size: Feed Small Pieces

When feeding a bearded dragon, especially with fruits like bananas, the size of the food pieces is incredibly important for several reasons:


Bearded dragons have specific digestive capabilities. Their stomachs can only handle and digest food items smaller or about the same size as the space between their eyes. Feeding them pieces larger than this could result in digestive problems, leading to health complications such as impaction, a blockage in the digestive tract.

Choking Hazard

Just as with small children, feeding pieces that are too large can become a choking hazard for bearded dragons. They do not have the same chewing capabilities as mammals, so they rely on their powerful jaw muscles to crush food and swallow it whole. If a piece of food is too large, it could get lodged in their throat, leading to choking.

Promoting Variety

Feeding your bearded dragon smaller pieces of various foods can also help ensure that they are receiving a balanced diet. If the pieces are too large, your dragon might fill up on one type of food and miss out on the essential nutrients offered by other types. For instance, if your dragon fills up on a large piece of banana, it might not have enough room to consume its much-needed veggies or protein sources.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Banana Peels and Leaves?

Regarding feeding bearded dragons, the type of food and the part of the food you’re offering matters. While bearded dragons can consume the flesh of bananas, whether they can eat banana peels and leaves is a bit more complex.

Banana Peels

Starting with banana peels, the consensus is that they should not be included in a bearded dragon’s diet. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Chemical Exposure: Banana peels are often exposed to pesticides and other harmful chemicals during their growth and transportation. These residues can be harmful to bearded dragons.
  2. Digestibility: Banana peels are much harder to digest than banana flesh. Bearded dragons, particularly younger ones, may have difficulty digesting these tougher materials, and this could potentially lead to digestive problems.
  3. Nutrient Composition: While banana peels contain some nutrients, they also have a higher ratio of phosphorus to calcium than the banana flesh, which is not beneficial for bearded dragons as it could contribute to metabolic bone disease (MBD).

Banana Leaves

As for banana leaves, there is little available scientific data or anecdotal evidence about bearded dragons eating them. Generally, it is always best to stick to known, safe foods for your bearded dragon. If considering banana leaves, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian or a reptile expert before adding them to your bearded dragon’s diet. Like banana peels, they could be difficult for bearded dragons to digest.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dried or Frozen Bananas?

When it comes to feeding bearded dragons, the form of food plays a crucial role in their digestion and overall health. If you’re considering feeding dried or frozen bananas to your bearded dragon, there are several factors to remember.

Dried Bananas

Dried bananas are not typically recommended for bearded dragons. This is primarily because dried fruits, including bananas, have a higher concentration of sugars than their fresh counterparts due to dehydration. This means that dried bananas can be even more likely to cause obesity and other related health issues if fed in excess.

Moreover, dried fruits can be harder to digest than fresh ones for bearded dragons. They might also pose a choking hazard if not broken into sufficiently small pieces. If you offer dried bananas, they should be rehydrated first to make it safer and easier to eat, and they should be given even less frequently than fresh bananas.

Frozen Bananas

Frozen bananas can be fed to bearded dragons, but they should be defrosted and warmed to room temperature before being offered. Feeding cold food can negatively impact your bearded dragon’s digestion, which is particularly sensitive due to its cold-blooded nature.

Just like fresh and dried bananas, frozen bananas should be chopped into small, manageable pieces before being given to your bearded dragon. This will help prevent choking and ensure easier digestion.

Remember, despite being safe to eat in the correct form, bananas — whether fresh, dried, or frozen — should still only make up a small portion of a bearded dragon’s diet due to their high sugar content and low calcium-to-phosphorus ratio.

As always, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns or uncertainties about what to feed your bearded dragon. They can provide personalized advice based on your pet’s needs and health condition.

How Often Should You Feed Bananas to Your Bearded Dragon?

Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they eat a combination of plant and animal matter. While fruits are a part of their diet, they should not make up most of it. Bananas, particularly, are high in sugar and should be given sparingly.

Occasional Treats

Given their sugar content and phosphorus-to-calcium ratio, bananas are best used as an occasional treat for your bearded dragon rather than a staple in their diet. Most experts suggest offering bananas to your bearded dragon once every two weeks or once a month. Overconsumption can lead to health issues like obesity and tooth decay. It can also contribute to an imbalance of phosphorus and calcium, potentially leading to metabolic bone disease (MBD).

Moderation and Balance

The key is to balance your bearded dragon’s diet, ensuring they receive various nutrients from different food sources. For instance, your dragon’s diet should include a mix of insects (like crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches), leafy greens (like collard greens, mustard greens, and dandelion leaves), and other fruits and vegetables.

Monitor Your Bearded Dragon’s Response

Each bearded dragon is unique and might have different dietary preferences and tolerances. While some may enjoy and tolerate bananas well, others may not. Always monitor your bearded dragon after introducing any new food, including bananas. Look out for any changes in behavior, stool, or overall health.

Remember, your vet is the best resource for your bearded dragon’s nutritional needs. If you have any concerns about feeding bananas or adjusting your dragon’s diet, it’s always a good idea to consult a vet specializing in reptiles.

Potential Risks of Feeding Bananas to Bearded Dragons

While bananas can certainly offer some health benefits to bearded dragons when fed in moderation, overfeeding these fruits can lead to several health issues. Understanding these potential risks is critical to maintaining a healthy diet for your bearded dragon.

1. High Sugar Content: Bananas contain relatively high amounts of sugar. In large amounts, this can lead to obesity and tooth decay in bearded dragons. High sugar content in their diet can also lead to diabetes over time.

2. Phosphorus-Calcium Imbalance: Bananas have a higher phosphorus-to-calcium ratio. When a bearded dragon’s diet contains too much phosphorus, it can hinder calcium absorption, leading to metabolic bone disease (MBD). MBD is a serious condition that can cause deformities and is potentially fatal if not addressed.

3. Risk of Choking: If not properly chopped into small, manageable pieces, bananas can pose a choking hazard to bearded dragons. This is especially true for younger or smaller dragons.

4. Potential for Pesticides: Bananas can introduce pesticides or other chemicals into your dragon’s diet if not thoroughly washed or peeled. It’s crucial to clean fruits properly before feeding them to your pet.

5. Potential for Overfeeding: Like many fruits, bananas can be quite tasty to bearded dragons, and they may overeat if given the opportunity. Overfeeding any single type of food can lead to an imbalanced diet, causing nutritional deficiencies or excesses.

To mitigate these risks, it’s recommended to feed bananas as an occasional treat, not as a bearded dragon’s diet staple. Always ensure the pieces are appropriately sized, and consider the overall nutritional balance of the diet. When in doubt, consult with a veterinarian or a bearded dragon expert.


In conclusion, while giving your bearded dragon a banana as an occasional treat is safe, it’s crucial to remember that a well-rounded diet for these unique creatures should include a balanced mix of insects, leafy greens, and occasional fruits.

Now that you know everything you need to know about feeding bananas to your bearded dragon, you can enjoy watching them indulge in this sweet treat occasionally!


Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?


  1. Central bearded dragon. (n.d.). Wikiwand
  2. Central bearded dragon. (2022, May 17). Wikipedia
  3. Eastern bearded dragon. (n.d.). Wikiwand.
  4. Bearded Dragon. (n.d.). Reptipedia | Fandom.

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